The Day - Calling- Hygrometer

The Day-Calling-Hygrometer helps determining how to spend the day.
In its construction it is similar to the traditional alpine "Wetterhäuschen", weather houses, usually displaying the figure of a man with an umbrella and a woman in a summer skirt. The two figures move back and forth in the model house, depending on the weather conditions.
Here, these characters are replaced by the "Ausflügler" - the day tripper. He is wearing his rucksack in fine weather, ready to take a stroll. On a rainy day, he is shown writing into one of the large books he has, where he keeps record of his adventurous day trips. The day tripper feels a vocation to stroll through the landscape and document these trips in books. His hygrometer helps him decide which side of his calling to follow.

later work